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Fundamentals of seeking the Kingdom First

KSh 1,199.00


In “Fundamentals of Seeking the Kingdom,” Peter Maina takes readers on a transformative journey into the heart of God’s Kingdom.

This enlightening book offers a comprehensive exploration of the Kingdom of God, revealing its true nature, the significance of being a kingdom citizen, the impact of Kingdom culture, the Kingdom concept, and the keys to living righteously within this divine realm.

The book begins by delving into the essence of the Kingdom of God. Through biblical wisdom and spiritual insights, readers gain a profound understanding that the Kingdom is not merely a physical place, but rather a realm where God’s reign and authority manifest in the lives of believers. By examining scripture and exploring the teachings of Jesus, the book reveals the Kingdom as a present reality that can be experienced and embraced by those who seek it.

Next, the author delves into the concept of being a kingdom citizen. Readers discover the privileges and responsibilities that come with this identity. The book emphasizes the importance of surrendering to God’s rule and living in alignment with His values, as citizens of the Kingdom are called to be ambassadors of Christ, shining His light in the world.

Furthermore, the author explores the transformative power of Kingdom culture. Drawing from biblical examples and contemporary illustrations, readers are encouraged to adopt a Kingdom mindset that transcends worldly perspectives. This Kingdom culture fosters love, unity, justice, and compassion, offering a compelling alternative to the values of the world.

The book then tackles the Kingdom concept, explaining how the principles and values of the Kingdom should permeate every aspect of a believer’s life. It highlights the significance of seeking God’s righteousness, acknowledging His sovereignty, and relying on His guidance in decision-making, relationships, and daily interactions.

Lastly, the book delves into the practical aspects of living righteously within the Kingdom. It provides practical guidance on how to walk in obedience to God’s Word, nurture a vibrant relationship with Him, and impact the world around through the power of the Holy Spirit. Readers are empowered to embrace their unique calling, utilize their God-given gifts, and contribute to the advancement of the Kingdom on earth.

“Fundamentals of Seeking the Kingdom” is an insightful and thought-provoking guide for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God.


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